A constant in human history, space and the celestial bodies that inhabit it have become crucial research topics. Recently, there has been a topic worth talking about, which is one of the most dangerous celestial bodies known in the solar system.
According to a study conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, known as NASA, entitled Ephemeris and risk assessment of near-Earth asteroid (101955) Bennu based on OSIRIS-REx datacalculated the accuracy of the asteroid’s path, in order to provide a more reassuring perspective on its impact. This data was obtained on the Origins spacecraft mission, about the movements of this asteroid until the year 2300.

NASA Near-Earth Object Observation Program Scientist Kelly Fast, OSIRIS-REx mission, a program dedicated to identifying and observing asteroids and comets approaching Earth, He was responsible for assessing potential risks in order to improve models of Bennu’s orbit, with detailed information about its composition and path..

NASA and other space agencies are anticipating the risk of collisions with asteroids like Bennu, so they are exploring strategies that could mitigate such collisions. One of the most controversial matters is the deflection of the asteroid and changing its path using spacecraft. And through methods such as kinetic impact, where the probe collides with the asteroid at high speed.
Therefore, continuous monitoring of asteroids is crucial to Earth’s security. For this reason, NASA has implemented programs such as NEOWISE and the Catalina Sky Survey In order to monitor these nearby rocky remains, and calculate their orbits more accurately.
The asteroid Bennu is classified as a B-type carbon-rich asteroid, and is considered a remnant of the formation of the solar system, more than 4.5 billion years old. Its surface consists of indigenous materials and a mixture of minerals such as olivine, pyroxene and clay, along with organic compounds.
It is important to note that the asteroid Bennu It was identified on September 11, 1999 thanks to the Linera program in New Mexico. Since then, researchers and astronomers have been monitoring its path due to its proximity to Earth, as its elliptical orbit brings it closer to the planet every six years.
The major milestone in the history of space exploration was October 2020, the day the probe successfully landed on Bennu to collect samples. The capsule containing the samples returned to Earth on September 24, 2023, allowing scientists to conduct their analyzes in specialized laboratories.
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