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Science students receive over 2.1 million pesos in Cozcyt Scholarships

Science students receive over 2.1 million pesos in Cozcyt Scholarships

Zacatecas, Zack. –
More than 2.1 million pesos in Cozcyt Scholarships have received 409 Entity Development Priority Science and Professions students, resources corresponding to the first semester of 2021 for those who have participated in the call for renewal of grant support from the Alejandro Tello government.

The Director General of the Zacatecano Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (Cozcyt), Agustín Enciso Muñoz, highlighted the positive impact of the Zacatecas scholarships, as they encourage young people to develop in the scientific, technological and environmental fields, the essential sectors in any advanced sectors. the society.

As a result of implementing the gender equality policy, 219 women and 190 men have benefited from Cozcyt Scholarships, with the goal of promoting female participation in these areas, said Director of Talent Development for Science, Technology and Innovation, Tania Cuellar Sanchez.

The official in charge of the scholarship program added that of the two million and 158 thousand pesos being exercised, more than 1.9 million is a contribution from the state government and 257 thousand 500, come from the Electoral Institute of the State of Zacatecas (IEEZ), corresponding. to resources obtained from fines applied to parties, a policy that Alejandro Tello promoted when he was a senator.

Cuellar Sanchez added that financial support has been provided to male and female students from 44 municipalities such as: Zacatecas, Guadalupe, Fresnillo, Rio Grande, Concepcion del Oro, Chalchioets, Téul de González Ortega, Benito Juárez, Cañitas, Cuautimiaoc, Pánuco, Morelos, Apsoozol, and Valparaí among others.

He explained that most of the beneficiaries belong to the Autonomous University of Zacatecas with 286 scholarships. The rest was handed over to the Higher Institutes of Technology Zacatecas Norte, Sur, Occidente, Jerez and Nochistlán; and the Interdisciplinary Professional Unit of Engineering, the Zacatecas Campus, of the National Polytechnic Institute.

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In addition to scholarship holders from the Technological Institute of Zacatecas and the Technological Universities of the State of Zacatecas, Politécnica del Sur de Zacatecas and Politécnica de Zacatecas. Finally, he explained that they have offered scholarships to students from Veracruz, Durango, Jalisco and Aguascalientes studying in this entity.