a An international team of scholars Led by the University of Granada has identified for the first time a group of 267 genes Related to creativity that was a “secret weapon” to prevent Homo sapiens Turn off.
Research presented by the University of Granada this Wednesday showed that creativity was Homo sapiens “secret weapon” And their advantage over Neanderthals to survive. This scientific discovery published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry (nature), Highlighting that the genetic differences related to creativity were such The Sabians were allowed to displace Neanderthals In the past.
According to this interdisciplinary and global work, it was creativity that gave Homo sapiens advantages over the purely cognitive ones that favored More adaptation to the environment This also gives them greater resistance to aging, injuries, and disease.
Additionally, researchers participated in this work Igor Zoer, Coral del Valle, Rossio RomeroAlberto Mesa, Javier Arnedo, from the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Granada (UGR), Andalusian Institute for Inter-University Research in Data Science Computational Intelligence (DaSCI) And the Institute for Vital Health Research in Granada (ibs. Granada).
The team brought together researchers from the University of Washington and the American Museum of Natural History in New York and collaborators from Finland and Houston and combined Artificial Intelligence (AI), Molecular Genetics, Neuroscience, Psychology and Anthropology – the disciplines that made it possible to identify 267 genes that influence creativity.
Homo sapiens
Using genetic markers, gene expression data, and integrated brain magnetic resonance imaging based on artificial intelligence techniques, scientists have also identified areas where these genes operate and are located. Participate in self-awareness And human creativity.
“These genes have given Homo sapiens greater physical fitness than the humans who are extinct today by providing them with them Greater resistance to aging, Injuries and Illnesses, The authors of the study, which is working to understand what allowed the Sabians to displace Neanderthals and other species, noted.
Live a longer, healthier life It may have prolonged the learning period of young people and adolescents, facilitating and enabling the accumulation of knowledge. This is a hallmark of the behaviors of modern humans. “The researchers added, who indicated that creativity can encourage cooperation between individuals to achieve success.
Human creativity, socialism, and healthy longevity arose in response to the need to adapt to the harsh and varied conditions that existed between 400,000 and 100,000 years ago“The study authors reassured.
Fountain: 20 minutes ,
Reference article: https://www.20minutos.es/noticia/4666745/0/descubren-el-arma-secreta-del-homo-sapiens-para-evitar-su-extincion/,
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